Our Story
Find out a little more about our history and our church leaders here.
Our Team
We have a team of Leaders, staff, trustees and volunteers who help us run our church. We have lots going on so it takes a host of people to make things happen.
Our Vision
We are a part of the Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland, you can find our church vision here.
As followers of Jesus we are keen to follow Him in sharing God’s love and care for everyone that comes into contact with us, particularly children and adults with additional care and support needs. We want to provide a safe environment where people can thrive emotionally and spiritually. We want to do all we can to ensure their well-being, taking responsibility to safeguard them from any form of abuse. You can view our full safeguarding policy here
The entrance to the front of the church is wheelchair accessible. We have an accessible toilet which is suitable for those with limited mobility (grab rails and higher seat). There is also a lift in the main hall which provides access to the first floor.
We operate a loop system for those with hearing impairments. In order to use this system you will need to have your hearing aid switched to the loop setting.